STANDARD™ Q HIV 1/2 Ab 3-Line Test is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of antibodies specific to HIV-1 including subtype O and HIV 2 in human serum, plasma or venous and capillary whole blood. The test is… -
Sterile Latex Surgical Powdered Examination Gloves ‘6,5
Merk: Vicom Nomor Izin Edar (AKD/AKL/Lainnya): AKL 11603028306 Jenis Produk Sesuai Izin Edar: Surgeon's glove -
Sterile Latex Surgical Powdered Examination Gloves ‘7,5
Merk: Vicom Nomor Izin Edar (AKD/AKL/Lainnya): AKL 11603028306 Jenis Produk Sesuai Izin Edar: Surgeon's glove. -
Sterile Latex Surgical Powdered Examination Gloves ‘7.0
Merk: Vicom Nomor Izin Edar (AKD/AKL/Lainnya): AKL 11603028306 Jenis Produk Sesuai Izin Edar: Surgeon's glove -
Sterile Latex Surgical Powdered Examination Gloves ‘8
Merk: Vicom Nomor Izin Edar (AKD/AKL/Lainnya): AKL 11603028306 Jenis Produk Sesuai Izin Edar: Surgeon's glove. -
Sterilisator Kering Fortune 2 Pintu
Fungsi : Untuk mensterilkan alat-alat lab atau medis, klinik, dsb Kapasitas : 78L Rated Power : 550 W Rated Voltage : AC220V ~ 60 Hz Sterilizing Temperature : 125C 20% Sterilizing Time : 45 min Material Sort : Steinless Steel… -